Our service collects each client’s comprehensive medical history within an average of 8 days to ensure our maternal-fetal medicine (MFM) doctors have the necessary information to safely evaluate a potential gestational carrier for pregnancy readiness. Our medical records collection services include a medical keyword search summary of all patient records for easy review!
We provide comprehensive medical and obstetrical risk assessments of gestational carrier candidates by our MFM subspecialists. Involving an MFM early helps prevent adverse obstetrical outcomes as well provides as an opportunity for pregnancy optimization.
Our full psychological assessments for surrogate candidates are designed to assesses clinical diagnoses, psychopathology and various personality factors including personality assessment inventory (PAI) to determine appropriateness and fit for a surrogacy journey.
This service can be utilized in connection with a gestational carrier candidate’s prior screening with Mitera to discuss the details of the report with the intended parents. Mitera believes in counseling all parties involved in a third-party arrangement.
Whether you are currently pregnant or planning pregnancy, a screening by an MFM subspecialist in addition to your standard care can optimize your pregnancy outcome and reduce risk for you and your baby. MFM subspecialists are the experts in the maternal and fetal complications of pregnancy.
Mitera client's benefits

Become Mitera Certified

Our certification program was specifically designed for surrogacy agencies and fertility centers. The program was created to engage and recognize leaders in 3rd party reproduction who are committed to upholding the highest medical standards.