Supporting you during COVID-19
Blog Jul 14, 2020
Supporting you during COVID-19

Mitera offers 30-minute COVID-19 virtual consultations with Maternal Fetal Medicine (MFM) specialists for women who are considering pregnancy or are already pregnant. The personalized sessions are focused on discussing the latest research on COVID-19 and the vaccines, as it relates to pregnancy. They also allow for women to ask questions and discuss any concerns. It is recommended for women to consult high-risk obstetrics specialists if they want to thoroughly understand the potential risks of pregnancy during the current pandemic, in relation to their specific health situations. At Mitera, we are advocates for reproductive choice and are therefore supportive of a decision to pursue pregnancy as well as a decision to postpone pregnancy due to any concern a woman may have. Our goal is to ensure that outcomes are optimized and that women are equipped with the information they need to make the most informed decision for themselves and their families.